Category: PHP

Amateur Server – Debian & Virtualmin

I know that when it comes to linux and run many say it’s hard. However, this impression remains only an impression that you remember fondly when you think about it that you ever had. Needing a web server preferably contains Apache , MySQL and PHP that is not conditional on the money I got and more »

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PHP-MySQL Connection

For some time I discovered how to make a connection between a PHP document (script) and a MySQL database. To create dynamic sites that write and read a database is needed to introduce  into a PHP file that creates a connection between the two of them. This is a used predefined PHP function mysql_connect and more »

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PHP Image upload and resize

We all have been in situation where we allow users to upload images for content items or profile pictures. They’ll just upload huge images without considering bandwidth and disk space. Soon you have hundreds images above 2MB in size cluttering your precious harddisk space and taking up all of the bandwidth with just a few more »

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