Cred ca vom asista la o mare revolutie in domeniul sistemelor de operare !!!
Tag: windows
Sep 29
Istoria Windows
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Mar 20
Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP scanner is a very fast IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports. It is cross-platform and lightweight. Not requiring any installations, it can be freely copied and used anywhere. Angry IP scanner simply pings each IP address to check if it’s more »
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Feb 25
Miro Video Encoder
Miro Video Encoder este cu siguranta, un simplu (şi gratuit!) App pentru a converti aproape orice video in format Theora, şi, nou în această ultima versiune, pentru a deschide formatul video WebM. Acesta nu dispune de nici o altă opţiune decât alegerea formatului de ieşire. Scopul Miro Video Converter este de a oferi oamenilor un more »
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Feb 25
Miro Video Encoder
Miro Video Encoder is definitely , a simple (and free!) app to convert almost any video to Theora, and, new in this last version, to the open WebM video format. It features no option other than choosing the output format. The goal of Miro Video Converter is to give people a fast, easy, and intuitive more »
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Jan 20
Mozilla Firefox este un browser gratuit şi open source produs de Mozilla Application Suite şi gestionat de către Mozilla Corporation. Începând din octombrie 2010, browser-ul Firefox este al doilea cel mai utilizat pe scară largă, cu 30% din cota de utilizare la nivel mondial al browser-elor web. În Germania, Firefox este cel mai popular browser, more »
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Jan 20
Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. As of October 2010, Firefox is the second most widely used browser with 30% of worldwide usage share of web browsers. In Germany, Firefox is the most popular browser with 60% usage.
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Jan 13
Windows Vs Linux
Comparaţii între Microsoft Windows şi sistemele de operare Linux sunt un subiect de discuţie constant în cadrul industriei de calculatoare personale. Pe întreaga perioadă a sistemelor Windows 9x, prin introducerea de Windows 7, Windows a reportat o extrem de mare de vânzari cu amănuntul majoritatea fiind sisteme de operare pentru desktop uz personal, în timp more »
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Jan 10
Windows Vs Linux
Comparisons between the Microsoft Windows and Linux computer operating systems are a long-running discussion topic within the personal computer industry. Throughout the entire period of the Windows 9x systems through the introduction of Windows 7, Windows has retained an extremely large retail sales majority among operating systems for personal desktop use, while Linux has sustained more »
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