January 2012 archive

Tehnici de optimizare website

Cunostintele legate de optimizare a conţinutului site-ului au devenit deja cunoştinţe bun simţ. Cine nu doreste un site care sa fie gasit rapid la o cautare? Aţi găsit nişte termeni despre SEO şi nu ştiti ce înseamnă acestia? Iată câteva tehnici de optimizare si termeni referitoari la: Vizitatori unici - Un server este accesat cu o cerere HTTP pentru un singur obiectiv web. O singura accesare a unei pagini poate antrena mai multe more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1081/tehnici-de-optimizare-website/

Website optimization techniques

Website content optimization have becoming common sense knowledge already, who doesn’t want a fast find site with engaging content? Did you found some terms about SEO-ing and you don’t know what they mean? Here is some detailed optimization techniques: Unique visitors A server hit is an HTTP request for a single web objective. One web more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1057/website-optimization-techniques/

Elemente HTML, Atribute, si Pozitii in jQuery

jQuery Apps

Recent m-am apucat de studierea scripturilor jQery şi cred că aceste coduri pot fi bun inceput pentru oricine este interesat. În continuare  am expus unele selectoare de ordine şi exemple de utilizare a lor cu elemente în coduri:

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1045/elemente-html-atribute-si-pozitii-in-jquery/

HTML Elements, Attributes, and Positions on jQuery

jQuery Apps

Recently I went into studying the jQuery scripts and I believe that these codes can be a start for anyone interested. Following are some order selectors and examples of their use with elements in the preceding code:

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1022/html-elements-attributes-and-positions-on-jquery/

Cursor Disco

Your cursor is invited to disco! Have fun !!!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1068/cursor-disco/

Cursor Disco

Cursorul tau este invitat la discoteca! Distractie placuta!!!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1072/cursor-disco-2/